Construction Site Safety and Prevention


Safety on a construction site is a critical factor in any industry. No worker wants to be on the building site or construction site and come in contact with a potentially deadly accident. Learning about the most frequent construction site injuries, what triggers them, and how to implement effective safety checks is the key to preventing these potentially fatal, and often painful, accidents. Construction sites have arguably the highest accident rate of all working environments; a chilling thought indeed. However, if construction site safety training is administered correctly, fatalities can be significantly reduced.

How Is Safety Managed On A Construction Site?

Construction jobsite safety begins before the actual construction job takes place. Safety training is an integral part of all construction jobsites. It is mandatory that all construction site workers complete a general safety program before beginning work. These programs outline the types of jobsites, equipment, and other important information that are required for safe construction. For example, there are limits to the height of work towers, or the proximity of power line to the construction site, as well as any other factors. Specific, reliable information about the safest construction jobsites are also included in these safety training programs.

Changes To Health And Safety Instructions

There are some construction sites where training is not required by law. However, the level of safety is usually much lower than on jobsites where the legal requirement is enforceable. In these cases, there may be no equipment or other training that can help prevent accidents from occurring. A fall from a high ladder, while seemingly impossible, can occur if workers are not careful. In addition, falling equipment may not be in good repair and could easily fail.

The need for construction safety training is also present when it comes to using cranes. Construction cranes are used frequently in various types of projects, such as building extensions or modifications to already existing buildings. Regardless of their actual use, many types of cranes require training in their proper use and operation. Construction cranes are operated by workers who are not highly trained in safety procedures. They operate the cranes without any type of supervision or training and are liable for any accidents that may occur. This is why, regardless of the specific type of construction cranes being used, training and certification are imperative for every worker who uses them.

Preventing Accidents And Injury On-Site

One of the most dangerous construction equipment that is potentially dangerous involves the use of scaffolding. OSHA standards require that all workers operating scaffolding be trained and certified in its proper use. Scaffolding is an extremely versatile construction tool and almost any task can be performed with it. While the scaffolds are generally the responsibility of individual construction workers, they must also be used in accordance with OSHA safety standards and all appropriate safety precautions.

While there are many different potential causes of construction site accidents, from poor weather conditions to on-the-job injuries, there is one very common cause: falling accidents. Construction workers are extremely vulnerable to falling objects because most construction site accidents involve heavy construction materials, such as lumber or concrete, being moved around or struck by other equipment. OSHA is dedicated to preventing construction site accidents by publishing a series of publications that address the causes and prevention of construction site injuries. By taking immediate action and reporting unsafe working conditions, OSHA helps to reduce construction site injuries and fatalities and ensure that workers are properly trained and protected.